Smartsupp Updates
We houden het actueel voor u!
- Facebook-integratie
Facebook Messenger-integratie
Do you have your own Facebook page? If yes, there’s no need to check new incoming messages on Facebook and Smartsupp separately anymore. Connect your Smartsupp account with Facebook Messenger and respond to every message comfortably from one platform.
Read more about our FB integration →
- Chatbot
Activeer de FAQ chatbot nu!
As you can tell from the name, FAQ chatbot is a chatbot that automatically answers your customers’ most frequent questions. Prepare 5 quick replies in advance and then let the chatbot respond on your behalf. It will save you a lot of time and provide an instant reply to your curious customers.
Read more about our FAQ chatbot →
- Live chat
Gemiste chatmeldingen & verbeterde gesprekscategorieën
There are two new features in Smartsupp which you’ve been asking for. Both are connected to conversations.
If you miss a conversation, we will send you an e-mail notification about that. Cases, when the user opened a conversation and left the site without being unserved are considered missed.
Read more about missed conversations and how to set up this notification→
You will see more conversation categories under the Opened tab. This will make your work smoother and your dashboard cleaner. Please, read our more detailed article in help.
Read more about new categories →
- Live chat
Nieuwe gesprekspictogrammen
In the new version, you’ll see the source channel of every message. There are two new icons that will tell you. In the conversation list, you’ll immediately recognise the source of the last message in a conversation.
Red envelope icon indicates an email message. If you want to respond to this message and you have the user’s e-mail in Smartsupp database, you can choose to send a live chat reply (providing the user is still on your website) or an e-mail message.
Blue icon with Facebook Messenger logo indicates a message that was sent to you from Facebook. If you reply, the message will be sent back to Facebook (available only for Beta users).
With these icons, you will have a better overview and be able to decide which conversation has a higher priority. Our experience shows that people do not expect e-mails to be answered as quickly as live chat or Facebook messages.
- Samenvatting
Smartsupp release-opmerkingen 10/20
We constantly improve Smartsupp using your feedback but, sometimes the change isn’t so obvious and you only find it after exploring the product yourself. We prepared an overview of all the new features, so that you do not have to play Indiana Jones finding them yourself :)
Welke onderdelen van de API hebben we verwerkt in de nieuwe versie van Smartsupp?
The new version of Smartsupp offers you many more functions, so it is no longer necessary to set some functions via the API.
Here we will introduce 5 popular functions that work differently in the new version of Smartsupp.
- Live chat
Gebruik het autorisatieformulier om te antwoorden, zelfs als de klant vertrokken is
In order to always be able to reply to a customer’s message, we recommend using the Authorization form in which the customers write their contact info before asking you a question. This will allow you to reply to any messages you have missed.
If you have not collected the contact information from the customer, it is not possible to reply and nothing can be entered in the text field of the message.
- Dashboard
Wijzigingen in het dashboard
Smartsupp dashboard has a new look, new features and a useful Chatbot garage, that will help you enage more visitors than ever before.
- Chat box
De nieuwe chatbox is uit!
We collected your requests and as an answer we bring you the beautiful new chat box. It is stylish and it can also share files.
What else have we improved? Check out our blog:
- Dashboard
Uitgeschakelde agenten kunnen gesprekken niet zien
With the new dashboard comes another change. Agents who are disabled do not have access to Conversations. However, they can manage Smartsupp account Settings, including Billing section. You can set status of each agent here.